This term our focus was science so all the teachers in poutama gave us a little taste to see which one we wanted to do Elly was doing the digestive system Ebony was doing adaptations and Troy was doing food web and chains so I decided to do food webs. Last week we got our lunch boxes and made a food web.
Big idea:
Everything in our lunch boxes is based on the sun for example the corn chips had the corn which came from the sun and the cheese came from the milk which came from the milk which came from the cow who ate grass which came from the sun.
I think you are good at taking a clear picture but you need to get better at
Explaining what from what.
Evaluation: I think that I did well at completing it in the time give but I think that I could have put in more detail.
Serena, it is excellent to see the connections you have made between the food you eat and what goes in to making it. Next time think about taking some of those connections a little bit further.